Thursday, 7 August 2014


Well, yeap~ been a while since I blogged anything. I actually had 2 drafts but I didn't post them cause  I couldn't remember what I was actually saying about HAHAHA~
And yea~ I guess I'll just abandon this blog cause everytime I start to really write about something, it just tends to run off topic. I guess that's my super bad habit.
I just tend to blabber bout EVERYTHING when I'm sharing just a part of myself. I guess it's cause not everybody knows me and I just want people to? HAHAHA~
Unfortunately not everyone is really there to listen loads of craps I've to said since I've been complained to be an old man =P
So yeap~ Cya blog! Not gonna post in ya anymore~
Well, if anyone needs a shoulder or a helping hand, I'm always there for you guys =)
If you guys are just bored and are just looking for time to kill, I'm always there =P
I could always share with you some interesting things in life =x
If only... if only anyone would actually look for me.